Transaction Screen Questionnaire

The CSTAT Transaction Screen Questionnaire (TSQ) and Supplemental Report provides so much more than the fillable PDF.

Enjoy the slideshow!

In the case of the ASTM Transaction Screen Questionnaire, these limitations occur when the following are encountered.

  • When there is more than one subject property occupant.

  • When there is more than one adjoining property in a cardinal direction.

  • When an explanation of a "Yes" response is more than a couple of words.

  • When there is a second preparer which requires an additional signature page.

The slide presentation below demonstrates how CSTAT leverages the use of our platform to create the CSTAT TSQ and Supplemental Report.

Technology allows us to use our mobile phone or tablet to collect site information and photographs and then seamlessly produce a full document of site conditions. This isn't about the experience level of the Environmental Professional; it is about providing the documentation that has for so long has been overlooked.

The CSTAT TSQ and Supplemental Report provides value to both Preparers and Users!

Switching from a paper form or fillable PDF to CSTAT provides advantages that we would be glad to discuss with those interested.

To support environmental consultants, CSTAT has created a network of environmental consultants who either utilize or have been trained to collect data using the CSTAT Transaction Screen Questionnaire Form.